Climate change, Hydrodiplomacy WEFE Nexus and governance

Climate change, Hydrodiplomacy WEFE Nexus and governance
Expertise in Climate Change, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Hydrodiplomacy, Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Governance, and Public-Private Partnerships
Our consultancy study brings together leading experts in the field of climate change and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) at the basin level and in non-nconventional water resources (Desalination – Reuse – Seawater Resurgence-water transfer pipe and tankers) hybrid threat on water infrastructures and smart resource management.
Our work focuses on hydrodiplomacy, particularly on mediation and negotiation, which are essential tools for promoting international cooperation and optimizing the use of water resources. We are also pioneers in the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus approach, bridging between research-innovation-policy and capacity building which seeks to ensure a sustainable supply of water, energy, and food while minimizing environmental impacts .
In terms of governance, we have expertise in developing innovative strategies to strengthen public-private partnerships and provide continuous training for governments seeking more efficient and sustainable management of water resources and renewable energies.
Our skills also extend to implementing governance policies that incorporate advanced technological tools and robust legal frameworks, ensuring the resilience of water, energy, and food systems in the face of current climate challenges, aligning thus with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2, 6, and 7.
Since Cop 21 we initiated at the french senate with the support of MEDURABLE Yearly initiatives on “Hydrodiplomacy and climate change ” covering the transboudary basins technical ,institutional diplomatic track two negociation/mediation targetting the MENA region.
Team in charge: Our external consultant Mr. Fadi Comair