Awards & Recognition
A Recognized Leader Among Legal Practitioners
Awards & Recognition
Year after year, we have been systematically recognized by international legal publications and institutions as a leader in our field.

Chambers Middle East Awards
We are delighted to announce that our founding partner, Prof. Dr. Nayla Comair-Obeid, was awarded the lifetime achievement award by #ChambersMiddleEastAwards to recognize her career and achievements in the field of #ADR and #disputeresolution. Prof. Dr. Nayla Comair-Obeid founded the firm 37 years ago, in Lebanon, as the first woman in Lebanon and among the few in the middle east a very challenging endeavour while raising a young family. Thank you Chambers and Partners and Chambers Global for this great distinction and recognition!

The Legal 500
We are delighted to announce that we have been ranked across five different practice areas in the latest rankings released by The Legal 500. Our founding partner, Prof. Dr. Nayla Comair-Obeid and our managing partner Ziad Obeid have also been mentioned in the hall of fame and as leading individuals. We are extremely proud of this achievement and grateful for the recognition of the hard work and dedication of our team.
To see our full rankings please access the link below:

Chambers Global 2024
We are delighted to have our firm and partners ranked and recognized once again in Chambers Global 2024.

Lebanese Law Firm of the Year
We are delighted to announce that we were awarded Lebanese Law firm of the year at the Middle East Law Awards hosted by Legal ERA on November 16th 2023. We are extremely pleased to have been selected amongst such an impressive list of nominees.

The Legal 500
The Legal 500 survey for Dispute Resolution describes Obeid & Partners as “[a]bsolutely first rate in the Middle East.” We have been consistently identified as a First Tier law firm, with a “first-rate team” acclaimed as:
• “deliver[ing] excellent depth of analysis, is thorough and highly professional”
• “regarded as being ‘among the best in the region’”
• “active in public-private partnership (PPP), M&A and private equity transactions, particularly in the aviation, maritime, media, telecoms, construction and energy sectors….”, “advising several clients on regulatory matters relating to the first offshore oil and gas licensing round in Lebanon.”
In 2020, the Legal 500 has again ranked us as a First Tier Real Estate and Construction (including Projects) practice.

Corporate International
Award for Practice Excellence: Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisor of the Year
Full-service Law Firm of the Year in Lebanon

Global Arbitration Review (GAR)
This year, we were yet again recognized as having one of the world’s leading international arbitration practices. Our practice regularly features in the annual edition of GAR 100, including the most recent edition (2021).
We are the only Lebanese firm which has been consistently ranked as having one of the top 100 arbitration practices in the world (GAR 100).
GAR describes our firm as “a focal point for international arbitration in Lebanon”, where “both firm and founder have since [1987] emerged as significant factors in the development of arbitration in Lebanon and the Middle East.”

Chambers Global
We have been recognized by Chambers Global throughout the years as a leading firm in the region in dispute resolution, with particular recognition for international arbitration.
Chambers Global 2020
Ranked Tier 1, Number 1 in dispute resolution in Lebanon.
The 2020 Edition of the Chambers Global Commentary
We maintain our prominent position in the Lebanese disputes market, with particular recognition as one of the country’s leading firms for international arbitration.
The 2020 Edition of the Chambers Global Commentary
In addition to noting its “very strong international practice,” Sources also describe the group as “a go-to litigation firm in Lebanon.”
Chambers Global 2019
We were nominated for “Outstanding Commitment” within the Chambers and Partners inaugural Middle East Awards.
Chambers Global 2019
We are a highly acclaimed firm that peers distinguish as “great in arbitration” as well as being very active in litigation. Clients especially commend “their ability to think practically and come up with reasonable and cost-effective ways to deal with issues.”
Chambers Global 2018
This “standout” and “sophisticated” law firm is recommended for its responsiveness, professionalism and “high-calibre associates.”
Chambers Global 2018
Sources comment that the lawyers are “clearly experts on the law in their region” and specifically “pioneers of construction law in Lebanon.”
Chambers Global 2017
We “continue to be one of the market leaders”, with sources saying that we “don’t leave any argument or question unanswered” and “always take the time to listen, to take advice and to take direction, and to challenge certain positions based on professional advice.”
Chambers Global 2016
Chambers Global credited us as “ one of the leading law firms in both Lebanon and the Middle East” and noted that it “is regularly sought after for its expert advice in dispute resolution matters connected to insurance, finance and contract negotiations”. It specified that “its expertise is enriched by the frequent appointment of its key lawyers as expert or head arbitrator on cases.”
Chambers Global 2015
We were described as “a market leader” whose “team covers a full range of services” and “frequently advises clients from the aviation, telecoms and petroleum sectors” with sources saying, “They’re one of the best firms in the region.”
Chambers Global 2014
Chambers Global further affirmed the prominence of our position, describing the firm as having “a long-standing reputation for expertise in dispute resolution, with a particularly sophisticated offering in arbitration” and “a broad international reach, maintaining relationships with international firms and acting on multi-jurisdictional cases across the region.”
Chambers Global 2013
“This widely respected firm is recognised for its first-class track record in major arbitration matters in Lebanon and the region. The expanding multilingual and multinational team offers valuable expertise in the Middle East and North Africa, and is particularly well versed in disputes involving government entities.”
Chambers Global 2012
Global Chambers praised the firm as a “widely respected, world-renowned group……extremely active in litigation and international arbitration” which “thinks and operates in a way that is very compatible with international law firms and lawyers” its “high-profile cases across the globe, highlighting its in-depth expertise.”
Partners Professor Dr. Nayla Comair-Obeid and Ziad Obeid are both classed as “Leaders in their Field” in Chambers Global
Chambers Global has consistently singled out Prof. Comair-Obeid as:
“revered for her dispute resolution practice” “an authority” “One of the most remarkable people in arbitration” (2012)
“excellent as an arbitrator – certainly a leader.” (2013)
“leading authority in international arbitration”. (2014)
“one of the best arbitrators in this region,” and “an authority” (2016)
“world-renowned arbitrator”, “clearly an expert” and “well respected” (2018)
“She’s often nominated as a personality in arbitration,” “She’s one of the leaders in the region” (2019)
The “grand dame of Middle East arbitration,” with others describing her as “very active, very knowledgeable and very specialised in alternative dispute resolution.” (2020)
Ziad is regularly identified in Chambers Global and described as:
a leading lawyer and is described “one of the rising stars in Lebanon”having “huge potential, poise and professionalism” (2014)
“visible presence on international arbitrations”, and “his construction and energy-related dispute experience is distinguished by his impressive background in civil engineering” (2016)
singled out by clients for being “very much devoted to his work, very serious and very intellectually motivated” (2017).
a “very good strategic litigator”. He is known for his particular expertise in civil engineering arbitrations. One client commented on his tactical skills: “He found and exploited the opponent’s key weakness”. (2018)
an “energetic” lawyer, while international clients praise him for his ability to “explain the local system to us in simple terms, provide us with thorough advice and adjust his style to suit us.” (2019)
“one of the rising stars in Lebanon” (2020)

Who’s Who Legal
We have been classed amongst “World Leading Private Practice Lawyers” on a yearly basis since 1996.
The firm’s Founding Partner Professor Dr. Nayla Comair-Obeid is also listed in The International Who’s Who of Commercial Arbitration. Who’s Who Legal considers her “revered for her dispute resolution practice” and “an absolutely brilliant advocate who is as relentless in serving her clients as any lawyer I’ve ever met”.
In the 2020 edition of WWL, Prof Comair-Obeid was described as “a renowned international arbitrator” with “a mastery of arbitration issues” as well as “excellent knowledge of the legal aspects, be it civil or common law”.
In 2019, sources acknowledged Prof Comair-Obeid as a “legendary lawyer” who is “really prepared, knows the issues and gets it right”.
Partner Ziad Obeid has also been consistently identified among the world’s leading dispute resolution lawyers, featuring in Who’s Who Legal surveys since 2011.
The 2020 edition of WWL described Ziad as an “outstanding” lawyer known for his “diligent, thoughtful and efficient” work in construction arbitration.
In 2019, Ziad was recognized as a “very experienced and excellent practitioner” who is a “favorite in the arbitration area”. He is also “a top-flight lawyer in the Middle Eastern market with impressive depth of expertise on construction litigation and high-value civil engineering and construction arbitrations.”
WWL Arbitration 2020
Nayla Comair-Obeid is “a renowned international arbitrator” with “a mastery of arbitration issues” as well as “excellent knowledge of the legal aspects, be it civil or common law”. Ziad Obeid: is an “outstanding” lawyer known for his “diligent, thoughtful and efficient” work in construction arbitration.
WWL Construction 2020
Global Elite Thought Leader Nayla Comair-Obeid is a “renowned international arbitrator” with a “mastery of the issues at hand” as well as “excellent legal knowledge”. Ziad Obeid is a top-tier arbitrator in the Lebanese market who offers in-depth experience in construction arbitrations.
WWL Arbitration 2019
Nayla Comair-Obeid is a distinguished name in the African market, with peers noting that she is a “legendary lawyer” who is “really prepared, knows the issues and gets it right”. Ziad Obeid draws recommendations as a “very experienced and excellent practitioner” who is a “favourite in the arbitration area”.
WWL Construction 2019
Ziad Obeid is a top-flight lawyer in the Middle Eastern market with impressive depth of expertise on construction litigation and high-value civil engineering and construction arbitrations. Nayla Comair-Obeid was nominated but did not publish profile.
WWL Arbitration 2018
Nayla Comair-Obeid is “very well known” throughout the international arbitration market for her outstanding work as both arbitrator and counsel. The “extremely impressive” Ziad Obeid is highly experienced in investment arbitration across numerous sectors.
WWL Arbitration 2017
Nayla Comair-Obeid is considered “one of the market leaders” in both ad hoc and international arbitration in the Middle East. The “extremely impressive” Ziad Obeid is highly experienced in investment arbitration across numerous sectors.
WWL Construction 2017
Nayla Comair-Obeid and Ziad were nominated. But did not publish profile.
WWL Arbitration 2016
Both profiles of Nayla Comair-Obeid and Ziad Obeid were featured in this edition.
WWL Arbitration 2015
Prof. Comair-Obeid: “immense practice spanning [30] years” and noted as “an absolutely brilliant advocate who is as relentless in serving her clients as any lawyer I’ve ever met”. Ziad Obeid: A lawyer who “knows the ins and outs of international arbitration and the pressures that come with it”, Ziad Obeid has been described as a “rising star” in his field.
WWL Commercial Arbitration 2013
Nayla Comair-Obeid nominated.
“absolutely first rate in the Middle East’” and “among the best in the region”, with the editorial noting its “stellar reputation for representing international domestic clients in litigation, international arbitration and mediation”.
“highly acclaimed” with sources praising the firm for its “ability to think practically and come up with reasonable and cost-effective ways to deal with issues.”
“clearly experts on the law in their region”.
“a long-standing reputation for expertise in dispute resolution, with a particularly sophisticated offering in arbitration”
“expanding multilingual and multinational team” offering “valuable expertise in the Middle East and North Africa…particularly well versed in disputes involving government entities”, with sources describing the firm as being “Lebanese arbitration lawyers of choice – a professional international outlook and readiness to go the extra mile.”
“‘a thorough stature’” and “’outstanding expertise”, the editorial describes the firm as being “‘highly responsive and attentive to clients’ needs’” citing its “‘top-quality work’” and having capacity to run cases in English, French and Arabic
“widely respected, world-renowned group……extremely active in litigation and international arbitration” which “thinks and operates in a way that is very compatible with international law firms and lawyers” its “high-profile cases across the globe, highlighting its in-depth expertise.”